Monday, May 21, 2007

Just Another Day...

...and certainly not in paradise. It's getting worse and worse with my face - I need to visit more specialists to tell what in god's name is wrong with me. Blogwise the worst offset of this situation is my inability to paint minis. I just can't see them with one eye drying and the other one constantly blinking - it's a real hell for me.
I keep amusing myself with Deadwood, playing G-Mod with my best, lancashirean friend Matt and (again!) listening to Lovin' Spoonful. Maybe all I need right now is a bit of jug band music, to make me feel just fine. If you know what I mean...

Today I uploaded a few more photos to CMON, but still I'm not satisfied with how the colours went out. I'm afraid that's the best I can do right now...

I' telling ya, neurons are a tricky stuff and a complex matter, let it be a lesson for all of you (still not sure about the morale though). As soon as I'll be able to stare at a model for longer than 5sec I'll get back on schedule right away, so keep checkin'!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should try attending regular rehabilitations... I hope you already thought about it.