Wednesday, May 16, 2007


That doesn't make for a good start, does it? A two day delay after the first day, eh...
Right now I've put my recent painting ad acta and focused on my model for PP Brass Balls Challange - a Khadoran Kodiak.

The contest mini has to be painted all in P3 metallics, so I had to choose a warjack that will still fit to my existing force. I think that a warjack of reknown will do just fine, as it is forgiving to a different paint scheme.

I hate to say it, but despite good sculpt this model has a dreadful pose. I've heard an inner voice telling me to cut it to pieces, what I gladly did without any hesitation. On a photo you can admire early results.

A few days ago I've asked my brother-in-law to look for P3 paints in New York, because they're not aviable in Europe yet. He finally got them in one store in the city, but unfortunately they haven't got the Morvahna model, which I madly desire. I can't understand why, the street relase was a week ago and she's nowhere to be found in the whole New York. Not in Manhattan nor in Brooklyn. Strange.

Oh, and my CMON gallery is not up and running yet, 'cause I'm still experimenting with the best ways to photograh a mini, but hopefully it shouldn't take me long.

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