Still nothing. My face is still dead. I'm like Two-Face from Batman - one half of my face is laughing while the other is... uhmm... well, the other is not.
I hope it all will be honky-dory in two weeks, but there's a 5% that I'll have it for the rest of my life... Ugh...
The good news is I got my CMON gallery updated and the first wave of my minis is up on it now (pending, but they should approve it any minute now). Not much, but I'll try to push it a little step a day and I'll get there. I think I pretty much nailed the shooting-minis issue, even despite my problems with getting the colours right (the highlighting/shading is not as deep as in real). Anyways, expect more photos very soon.
Recently I've started watching a new TV series: 'Deadwood'. I remembered seeing a 'Deadwood' billboard up in Manchaster one time. It was the one with Ian McShane on it and I got the feeling it's something with the atmosphere of the RPG 'Deadlands', but it occured I wasn't even close. I love it though. The one thing I can't really understand is why HBO gave up one of the biggest artisctic TV achievments of all times - the 'Carnivale' under the excuse it didn't produce enough profit and then jump upon 'Deadwood' which goes even further in minimalising action and rising the age certificate thus getting small and loyal fanbase along with relatively small, generic audience. I like 'Deadwood' a lot, but I want 'Carnivale' back! And I want it NOW!
the same is with ROME... excellent series that ended too esrly ! :|
I hadn't a chance to check it out yet, but I certainly will! I like HBO for paying so much attention to get all the historical details right.
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