Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007
My puppy!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The pin vice is on the move!
You bet it is!
My vision is blurry as hell, and sometimes I even see double, but I at least menaged to pin my bloody Kodiak! He's done on 2,26mm copper rods and 2,5mm brass rods (the latter-right foot and arms) with GS securing the joints.
- Kodiak - for the Brass Balls Challenge
- Karchev The Terrible - for the P.N.PP.P.C.
- Mechanic with 4 assistants - gaming models
- Manhunter - gaming model
- Kell Bailoch - gaming model
- Juggernaut - just the reds and details left, shouldn't take me long.
- Karchev The Terrible
- Kodiak
- Juggernaut
- Berserker
- Mechanics (1+3)
- Manhunter
- Gorman Di Wulfe
- Kell Bailoch
...and that makes for the precise 500 points.
Normally I'd prefer to go with the Marauder (nasty synergies I've forseen!) instead of the Berserker and Kell, but my limited chrono-resources made me change my plans. I like the way how you can put together a complete denial army with Karchev - K's Fissure, Juggers critical, Marauders Slam, Berserkers chain attack and Tow away, Gormans Black Oil and Kodiak taking advantage of kd's. Embrace Karchev's DEF 17 against range attacks and there you go. I really looking forward to plying this list - just need to buy K, Kell and Manhunter.
Recently I've started to listen to the Fell Calls podcast. It appears like a bunch of guys are doing a radio beer'n'pretzel version of Battle College. Most of the time they read stats from the book and state the obvious ('he's ARM 12, which is low','yeah,it is low','it could be higher','yeah, it could' and blablablabla...). Sometimes when they pick some interesting gameplay issues they get caught in a cobweb of words like 'cool', 'awesome' and 'incredible'. I'm tired of listening opinions build upon sentences like: 'he's cool, but no without drawbacks, but yeah, he's awesome, yeah, I'd say he' pretty cool, definately cool' and so forth. I can't understand the popularity of this podcast. I mean, if I wouldn't have any friends to talk with I could pretend that those hollow debates interest me, but belive me, if I want to hear a casual and meaningless conversation about Warmachine I can arrange one myself. I even know people that are not talking rubbish when it comes to wargaming - I think it must be rare if so many people are devoting their time (90-120min!) to listen to a pointless conversation.
Yeah.. That's all for today. I'll keep watching the horizon for my P3 metallics are due to arrive and I'll keep You posted!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Let's get back to buisiness
Monday, May 21, 2007
Just Another Day...
I keep amusing myself with Deadwood, playing G-Mod with my best, lancashirean friend Matt and (again!) listening to Lovin' Spoonful. Maybe all I need right now is a bit of jug band music, to make me feel just fine. If you know what I mean...
Today I uploaded a few more photos to CMON, but still I'm not satisfied with how the colours went out. I'm afraid that's the best I can do right now...
I' telling ya, neurons are a tricky stuff and a complex matter, let it be a lesson for all of you (still not sure about the morale though). As soon as I'll be able to stare at a model for longer than 5sec I'll get back on schedule right away, so keep checkin'!
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Oh, Crap...
I got myself white primer, few meters of various brass and copper rods, 2mm and 2,3mm drills and paralysed facial nerve.
Today I've spent over 3h in a hospital talking to neuroligist - it doesn't look too good, but happily not catastrphic either. Hopefully it won't affect my modelling and painting skills... Fingers crossed!
Todays update is not too jolly, but tomorrow I should have few surprises for You!
Todays number one albums were: Lynyrd Skynyrds' 'the best of' and Metal Gear 3 soundtrack.
This post was sponsored by the letters B and G.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Right now I've put my recent painting ad acta and focused on my model for PP Brass Balls Challange - a Khadoran Kodiak.