Is not like being in love. Well, you still get the itchy feeling around your stomach, but it is not that exiting in any way. Recently I was late with many things including this very post. I bear the good news - a progress has been made and now I can move the muscle that goes right besides the nose line. A small step, but it helps me belive in the purpose of the whole rehabilitation process.
On monday, as expected, I've recived my package with P3 metallics and I finally got a hold on Karchev, Manhunter and Kell. Men, those three models rock or what!
I've assembled Karchev (it's over 3576 parts to assemble!) and fit him with lots of chains, hooks, chains, trophy racks, skulls and chains. He's wicked sick! I've also made him a nice base of skulls, so he looks really Terrible!
At this point I must also say how much I like the sculpts of those three models - Manhunter maybe old, but when assembled he is truly impressive. Not in the same way as Karchev, but he's a sculpt that is interesting from 360 degrees, he's not boring and looks really solid. Thumbs up! Kell has a lot of fine details, for a diference, and even has a nice scar on his left chin - something you won't see on those photos! A fine model he is. And finally Karchev - oh men, he's so sick! And that crazy, huge axe - he rocks all!
I menaged to have a few games with my Karchev list, including two games against the Trollbloods and two against Legion Of Everblight, but all were very interesting and I've learned a lot. I've even started a Karchev Sunday School on PP forum -
HERE is the link to my thread. There's no single spell or ability on K that is useless - he is one fine caster, but still spells like Kreoss's Lamentation or effects that cause knockdowns like Strykers Eartquake or Impalers critical slam can ruin your day.
Till know I've painted flats on Manhunter and I'm halfway through base coating metallics on Kodiak. The Jugger has beed put a side for a while, but I have to finish him eventually, so I'll get back to him sometime this week.
PS sorry for the poor pic quality, I'll try to post something proper in high res some time soon...